Wow! Par-tay! Soooo many awesome candy corn pictures online!
"Would you sink or float in a pool of pudding?" Ahh, the great mystery of life. Actually, I think it's referred to as a herd of pudding. ...I had a dream about pudding last night. I kid you not.
"Boohoo, she has my pants!" Boohoo.
Person 1: "I don't really want to be a nun. They don't do 'high-risk activities,' do they?"
Person 2: "We can be X-TREME NUNS!!!!" Uh-huh...that's niiice...
Yeah. I have rug burn on my face." Well, why was your face burning a rug in the first place? There's your problem!

"It's like primer for your face." Well butter my face and chase a banana, he's darn-tootin' right!
What about jello? Would you sink or float in that? What about the White House? How much jello would it take to fill that?
Must you use NaNo forums? Of course you must :)
Hello, my name is Blake, and I am an X-TREME NUN!
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