Random picture of the day:
Oh no, I have hippophobia, which, though it sounds like the fear of hippos, is actually the fear of horses! I think I must panic some more! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH...this is getting boring.
Anyway, today's Words are from the category of Say What? My comments are in italics! Enjoy! :D
"Your dad's name is Newt?" Um, yeah...why do you think my name's Newt, Jr.? Putting two and two together, are we?
"John, there's sunburn on your neck!" Here! Let me slap it for you!
Person 1: "Can I give myself a unibrow?"
Person 2: "Only if you have one." Because that makes sense.
"[singing] I love sweaters!" Thank you for sharing. I could not care...any less.