Wow! Par-tay! Soooo many awesome candy corn pictures online!
"Would you sink or float in a pool of pudding?" Ahh, the great mystery of life. Actually, I think it's referred to as a herd of pudding. ...I had a dream about pudding last night. I kid you not.
"Boohoo, she has my pants!" Boohoo.
Person 1: "I don't really want to be a nun. They don't do 'high-risk activities,' do they?"
Person 2: "We can be X-TREME NUNS!!!!" Uh-huh...that's niiice...
Yeah. I have rug burn on my face." Well, why was your face burning a rug in the first place? There's your problem!

"It's like primer for your face." Well butter my face and chase a banana, he's darn-tootin' right!