Thursday, April 7, 2011

No Housework Day! Woot! :D

Happy No Housework Day! Wooooohoooo! (This may be the most exciting day yet.) In celebration, feel free to lock all brooms/mops/cleaning paraphernalia out of the house with a stern warning, and laze about like a large, land-dwelling slug. That's what I'm doing, anyway. Feel free to find your own means of celebration. I do recommend some sort of slug-ness, though. :)

Anyway, today's Words are from the Fairly Mean category. My comments are in italics! Enjoy! :D

"I'm gonna stab you with a safety pin!" Ummm, no, you're not. But thanks for the ever-so-cheerful warning!

"Gee, their arthritis felt so much better but they were dead." How helpful.

Person 1: "I hate my life."
Person 2: "I hate your life too." Aw. This is what we call supportive friends. Group hug!!

"I'm starting to think that the majority of our class is dumber than a sack of potatoes." I'd agree if I knew what a potato was.


Anonymous said...

I have a mean one! "Make American STARVE!" Oh and this was from a teacher... :O

~Sara :)

Eve S. D'ropper said...

Thanks, Sara! Man, that's a mean teacher!

Anonymous said...

He is quite a strange teacher...

~Sara :)

Corinne said...

Safety pin stabbing is the worst kind of stabbing... especially if you're expecting it...

Eve S. D'ropper said...

Better or worse than paper cuts?