What was that robot doing in my studio? Get him out of here!
Sorry. You just can't find good free robotic secretarial help these days. Though I actually didn't want any.
But anyway.
Today's WFTH are from the Say What? category! My comments are in italics. Enjoy! :)
"I'll bring in wrist cupcakes!" Are they made of actual wrists, or just pretend ones? Because the fake ones ain't gonna cut it. No way, no how.
"I just found a crowbar and carried it around all day." Umm...good for you...?
"Kendra's sister is the light of my life...she's the water in my fountain." I really hope that was said ironically.
Person 1: "You know what I learned today? Cows cannot go down stairs."
Person 2 (teacher): "Unless you push them! [flails arms about in imitation of cow pushed down stairs]" This is a good thing to learn. Thank you for enlightening us. Also...how did you learn this, exactly? ...as I recall, as soon as this was said, much discussion ensued about employing a special automated stairs-helper-going-down-er for the cow, and imitation thereof. I think we were supposed to be...you know...actually having class...but whatevs. ;)
Technically, anything can go downstairs if you push it, but I'm pretty sure cows don't flail their arms about even when pushed. Just say'n.
Do cows even have arms? Discuss.
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