Yello, yello, I don't know why you say goodbye, I say yello...or something like that. That's a song, or something like one...:) 'Tis a Say What? day once again, my lovely readers! My comments are in italics, enjoy! :)
"Well, shoot me in the head and call me a biscuit!" ...If you insist.
"I hugged it and Death came out!" Well, how nice.
"I got a concussion from sitting in a pool one time!" Are you proud of this fact? And, the heck did you manage to do that?
"Ah-1! Ah-2! Ah-1-2-3-4! Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Rein--I don't know the rest of the song." Well, so far it sounds great.
"Want some cow butter?" One, where did you get cow butter, and why would I want some...and two, isn't all butter cow butter?
cow butter as opposed to...monkey butter?
oh, yes of course.
...why doesn't this post have a title? Strange.
You can spread your monkey better on the headshot biscuit!
See, I'm clever.
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