...and water, occasionally. :) Anyway, today's topic of WFTH is...Rather Duh-Inspiring. (Hence, the title.) (Duh.) :D My comments are in italics! Enjoy!
"So, you're telling me, your face is a face." I dunno...my face is a waffle, but whatev.
"It's not nice to kill people." Really? Thanks, Einstein!
"You don't have to tell us, you can just say it." And that's different from telling, how, exactly??
"He literally just tried to eat a chip and failed!" Thanks for the play-by-play! ...I guess.
I can see the failed chip munching. Intrepid hero reaches for chip, accidently punching swooning damsel in the face during the process. He retrieves the salted potato slice without incident, but then disaster strikes as he reaches for the ranch dip! Alas!
Oh and also, your title made me think of the song "It's Raining Men". I don't know whether to be happy or punch my computer screen.
Hahahahaha!! That's awesome, Blake! That poor damsel. ;)
Also, Be Happy, Blake! (it was intentional.) (also punching computer screens very rarely makes things better.) (plus, I've been told before by a very wise, dancing fish not to worry, and to be happy, and who am I to argue with him?) :D
I thought it WAS nice to kill people... Save them from their own stupidity. I swear, it's doing them a favor. Imagie the pain they're going through every day because of that!
AND the pain that WE'RE going through!
Oh, and hiya Eve! (heheheh clever name :D)
Did you know that the only scientifically proven way to make your computer run faster is to throw it out the window?
Did you know that 67% of statistics are made up?
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